PetSmart investigated after dog’s death | NBC4 Washington

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – A dog died after being boarded at a Virginia PetSmart, and animal control is investigating.
Andrew Noles raised 3-year-old Aussiedoodle Clark from the time he was a tiny puppy and recalled the greetings he got from his pet.
“As soon as I turned the doorknob, Clark would literally would just, like, run and jump on me,” Noles said. “And he just knew, like, it was time to go out.”
On June 27, Noles took Clark to the Potomac Yard PetSmart to board him for three days. Two days later, he says, he got an unexpected call from a veterinarian.
“He was like, well, a PetSmart employee just dropped him off, and unfortunately she dropped him off deceased,” Noles said. “I was hysterical, you know, of course.”
Noles said the vet passed along what little information he could about Clark’s condition when he arrived.
“He showed up, and his mouth was full of blood, and he repeatedly asked her what happened, and she, honestly, had no answers and then just kind of left,” Noles said.
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