Hounded by Love: Furry Soulmate vs. Human Romance

Hounded by Love: Furry Soulmate vs. Human Romance


Dear Tabby,

I’ve been dating my wonderful boyfriend, Mark, for six months now. Everything is paw-fect except for one hairy situation – my golden retriever, Brody. Brody has been my loyal companion for five years. He’s not rolling out the welcome mat for Mark.

Whenever Mark comes over, Brody plants himself between us on the couch, whines for attention, and even growls if Mark tries to hug me. It’s putting a real strain on our relationship. Mark’s a dog lover, but he’s starting to feel like he’s in the doghouse!

How can I help Brody understand that Mark isn’t a threat to our bond? I don’t want to choose between my furry soulmate and my potential human one!

Hounded by Love in Houston



Dear Hounded by Love,

Ah, the classic tale of puppy love vs. human romance! It seems your golden boy is guarding more than just retrievables these days. But fear not, for with a little patience and training, we can turn this territorial terrier… er, retriever… into a matchmaking mutt!

First, let’s address the elephant (or should I say, the large dog) in the room. Brody sees Mark as an intruder in his pack, threatening his special bond with you. It’s time for some canine diplomacy!

Start by having Mark be the bearer of all things wonderful in Brody’s world. Tasty treats, favorite toys, and thrilling walks should come from Mark’s hands. This will help Buddy associate Mark with positive experiences rather than seeing him as competition.

Next, establish a new routine when Mark visits. Before he enters, take Brody for a brisk walk to burn off some energy. When you return, have Mark ignore Brody at first (I know, it’s hard to resist those puppy eyes!). This takes the pressure off and allows Brody to approach Mark on his terms.

When the three of you are together, make sure Brody has a dedicated comfy spot nearby, but not between you and Mark. Reward Brody with treats and praise when he’s calm and respectful of your space.

Consider enrolling in training classes with both Mark and Brody. This shared experience can help build a positive relationship between them while reinforcing good behavior.

Remember, patience is key. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and canine companions don’t change their spots overnight (wait, that’s leopards… but you get my drift!).

With consistency and love, I’m paw-sitive that Brody will soon see Mark not as a rival, but as a wonderful addition to his pack. Before you know it, your golden boy will be wagging his tail at the sight of Mark, and you’ll have two devoted companions vying for the chance to fetch your slippers!

Fur-ever rooting for harmony,



Have a pet predicament?
Need a helping Paw?

Write to Dear Tabby at:

P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359


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