National Check the Chip Day Highlights How a Tiny Chip Can Bring Your Lost Pet Home

National Check the Chip Day Highlights How a Tiny Chip Can Bring Your Lost Pet Home

SCHAUMBURG, Ill., Aug. 15, 2024 – In a world where one in three pets will become lost at some point in their lives, a minuscule piece of technology is proving to be a powerful ally in reuniting furry family members with their worried owners. To emphasize the importance, each August 15th is declared National Check the Chip Day by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Veterinarians and animal welfare organizations renew their call for pet owners to embrace microchipping—and to ensure those chips are properly registered.

The Microchip Miracle

Roughly the size of a grain of rice, a pet microchip is a small electronic device implanted under an animal’s skin, typically between the shoulder blades. Each chip contains a unique identification number that can be read by a scanner, linking the pet to its owner’s contact information in a registry database.

“It’s a simple procedure that can make all the difference,” says Dr. Sandra Faeh, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). “When a lost pet is found, a quick scan can be the key to a joyful reunion.”

The statistics are compelling. According to a study published in the Journal of the AVMA, microchipped dogs are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners compared to those without chips. The numbers are even more striking for cats: microchipped felines are nearly 20 times more likely to find their way home.

A Growing Trend with Room for Improvement

Pet microchipping has gained significant traction in recent years. Many animal shelters and rescue organizations now routinely chip animals before adoption, and some municipalities have even considered making it mandatory.

However, there’s a catch: a chip is only as good as its registration. “Unfortunately, only about six in 10 microchips in pets are registered,” Dr. Faeh notes. “It’s a simple oversight that can have heartbreaking consequences.”

This registration gap prompted the AVMA to team up with the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) in 2013 to establish National Check the Chip Day. The annual observance reminds pet owners to verify and update their contact information in microchip registries.

Beyond the Chip: A Comprehensive Approach to Pet Safety

While microchipping is a crucial tool in pet recovery, experts stress that it should be part of a broader safety strategy. Traditional ID tags, for instance, remain a quick and easy way for someone to contact a pet owner directly.

Moreover, preventative measures can reduce the risk of pets becoming lost in the first place. Secure fencing for dogs, keeping cats indoors or in controlled outdoor environments, and using leashes in public spaces are all important precautions.

Taking Action: What Pet Owners Can Do

On National Check the Chip Day and throughout the year, here are some steps pet owners can take:

  • If your pet isn’t microchipped, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to have it done.
  • If your pet is chipped, verify that the registration is up-to-date. You can use the Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool at to find the appropriate registry.
  • Ensure your pet wears a collar with current ID tags.
  • Consider additional safety measures like GPS trackers for pets prone to wandering.

This Year and Every Year, Check the Chip

“In the end, it’s about peace of mind,” Dr. Faeh concludes. “Knowing you’ve taken every possible step to ensure your pet’s safe return is invaluable. It only takes a moment to check the chip, but it could save a lifetime of heartache.”

As the adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In the case of our beloved pets, that ounce the size of a grain of rice could keep them out of the pound altogether.
These tiny chips, no heavier than a whisker, carry the weight of your pet’s ticket home. So this National Check the Chip Day, remember: a small investment in a microchip and diligence about keeping the registration up-to-date could be the difference between a lost pet and a found family member.

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