Cat’s move to new home turns him into sourpuss. Dear Tabby offers advice.

Cat’s move to new home turns him into sourpuss. Dear Tabby offers advice.


Dear Tabby,

I recently moved to a new apartment with my 3-year-old cat, Milo. Ever since we arrived, he’s been acting like a scaredy-cat! He spends most of his time hiding under the bed, barely eats, and when he does come out, he’s jumpier than a cat on a hot tin roof.

I’ve tried coaxing him out with treats and toys, but nothing seems to work. It breaks my heart to see my usually curious and playful kitty so stressed. How can I help Milo adjust to our new digs and get back to his old self?

Whisker Worried

Dear Whisker-Worried,

It seems your Milo has turned into a sourpuss over this change of scenery. But fear not, for with a little patience and some feline feng shui, we’ll have Milo feline fine in no time!

First, remember that cats are creatures of habit who find comfort in familiar scents and surroundings. Your move has turned Milo’s world upside down faster than a flipped litter box!

Start by creating a safe space for Milo. Set up a quiet room with his litter box, food, water, and favorite bed. Use familiar items from your old home to make it smell like his territory. This becomes his retreat when the new place feels overwhelming.

Next, let Milo explore at his own pace. Don’t force him out of hiding – curiosity will eventually get the cat! Instead, entice him with treats and interactive play sessions when he does venture out.

Consider using synthetic feline pheromones (available at pet stores) to create a calming atmosphere. These mimic the natural scents cats use to mark their territory as safe.

Stick to a consistent routine for feeding and playtime. This predictability will help Milo feel more in control of his new environment.

Lastly, shower Milo with love and attention when he seeks it, but also respect his need for alone time. With your support and these strategies, I’m certain Milo will soon be strutting around his new kingdom like he owns the place (which, let’s face it, he probably does in true cat fashion).

Here’s to new beginnings and happy whiskers!

Purrs and patience,




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P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359



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