DEAR TABBY | Decoding Senior Cat Behavior Shifts

DEAR TABBY | Decoding Senior Cat Behavior Shifts

Dear Tabby,

I’m worried sick about my 15-year-old cat, Tommy. He’s always been a voracious eater and a social butterfly, but lately, he’s barely touching his food and spends most of his time hiding under the bed.

Tommy also seems less interested in our nightly cuddle sessions and has stopped greeting me at the door when I come home. I’m scared that this might be more than just old age catching up with him. What could be wrong with my best bud, and what should I do?

Fretting in Philly

Dear Fretting,

My whiskers are twitching with concern for your senior kitty companion. When a cat’s behavior changes faster than you can say “dinnertime,” it’s time to put on our detective hats and get to the bottom of the feline mystery.

First things first, don’t panic faster than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. While it’s true that sudden changes in behavior and appetite can be signs of underlying health issues, there are many possible explanations, and not all of them are cause for alarm.

That being said, a trip to the vet should be at the top of your to-do list. Cats are masters at hiding discomfort, and by the time they show obvious signs, they may have been feeling under the weather for a while. Your vet can run tests to rule out common senior cat ailments like thyroid issues, kidney disease, or dental problems. Just like people, as cats age, they may need more frequent checkups with a doctor.

In the meantime, make sure Tommy has easy access to his essentials. Place food, water, and litter boxes in quiet, easily accessible areas. Some senior cats (actually, every cat with whiskers and that’s all of us) appreciate shallow and wide dishes that don’t wack our whiskers while we dine. For senior cats, they appreciate not having to bend their necks as much too.

It may be time to try adjusting Tommy’s food. Older tummies and taste buds change over time so you may need to make dietary adjustments. For example, sometimes cats who have thrived on and enjoyed a raw diet in their younger years need a change as they age creeps up.

Shower Tommy with love and patience. Create a calm, stress-free environment and let him set the pace for interactions. Sometimes, our senior feline friends just need a little extra TLC and understanding as they navigate their golden years.

Lastly, as much as we would like cat’s lifespans to be infinite, they just aren’t. Each passing year grows more challenging as we age. So, sometimes you just need to manage your expectations a bit too and adjust to the reality that eventually Tommy will journey to the Rainbow Bridge and wait for you there.

Remember, growing old is a privilege denied to many, but with your loving care and some diligent detective work, you can help Tommy can make the most of his senior cat status. Here’s hoping he’ll be back to his old self faster than you can open a can of tuna!

Purrs and positive thoughts,





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