DEAR TABBY | Fa-La-La-La-YIKES! Restoring Sanity When Holiday Hubbub Spooks Pets

DEAR TABBY | Fa-La-La-La-YIKES! Restoring Sanity When Holiday Hubbub Spooks Pets


Dear Tabby,

The fur is flying in my once tranquil home! Since Thanksgiving kicked off this chaotic holiday hubbub, my pets have become total wrecks! My tuxedo cat, Oreo, has become quite the skittish Scrooge, hiding under the bed nearly 24/7. Daisy, my normally lovey-dovey Labrador seems withdrawn too. Plus, in a puppy days throwback, she has started nervously chewing up shoes, personal items guests leave lying around, and just about anything she can get her paws on.

I feel awful – with relatives constantly in and out, plus kids invading favorite nap spots, my four-legged friends seem to be having a dreadful holiday season. Oreo won’t let me pet her anymore and Daisy is a trembling mess by the end of each hectic day!

Escalating eccentricities from my normally amiable animals now has me rattled, too! Please, Tabby Claus, help restore some fa-la-la-la sanity around here before holiday horrors permanently traumatize my precious pets!

Harried Human in Houston


Dear Harried Human,

First, take a deep breath – you’ve got the furry souls’ best interests at heart. Overstimulated pets can understandably fray spirits when tranquil routines unravel. But let’s rally some festivity-survival strategies to help shy Oreo and anxious Daisy enjoy the most wonderful time of year with greater grace!

For your skittish Scrooge kitty, set up a quiet holiday haven in your bedroom – water, snacks, cozy bed – to retreat when jingling chaos strikes. Check out FELIWAY plug-ins to soothe rattled whiskers. Schedule bonus brushing sessions so she knows love amidst the lively commotion!

Turning to troubled Daisy, redirect those nervous chewing urges toward designated chew toys. Set firm boundaries with guests about leaving personal items within paws’ reach. Don’t let the holiday chaos corrupt her routine as much as possible. Stick to normal walking and feeding schedules as closely as you can.

Additionally, do self-check-ins on your stress levels, my dear human. Pets are emotionally intelligent and wise. When you get frazzled, pets often perceive and mirror that state. So, consciously model the calm you wish to see. As you stabilize your holiday nerves, your furry companions will likely follow suit.

Maximize affection with both pets before/after gatherings when possible. And never scold distress responses as it only adds to the problem.

With extra TLC as the family fun flies, your fur kids will regain their frolicking footing!

Here’s to steadfastly prioritizing our VIP furry friends, as well as our guests, during this topsy-turvy time!

Holly Jolly Woofs & Purrs,



Have a pet predicament?
Need a helping Paw?

Write to Dear Tabby at:
P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359


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