DEAR TABBY | Fur-fluencer Frenzy: When Your Pet’s Popularity Poses Problems

DEAR TABBY | Fur-fluencer Frenzy: When Your Pet’s Popularity Poses Problems

Dear Tabby,

I’m in a bit of a cat-astrophe! Six months ago, I started an Instagram account for my Maine Coon cat, Romeo. It was just for fun, sharing his majestic mane and expressive eyes with friends and family. But somehow, Romeo’s popularity exploded! He now has over 30,000 followers, and my inbox is filling up with DMs from adoring fans.

At first, it was exciting, but now I’m feeling overwhelmed. I’m constantly pressured to post content, and some fans are getting pushy about seeing more of our home and personal life. A few small businesses have even reached out about potential product sponsorships, which is tempting but scary.

I don’t even want to share his @ identity in this letter. I’m trying to keep some semblance of privacy. I don’t know if I even want to go further down this path.

I’m not sure I want this level of exposure, but I feel guilty about potentially taking away Romeo’s budding “career.” My friends say I’m nuts for even considering scaling back, given how many people love Romeo’s posts. How do I balance Romeo’s growing online presence with my desire for privacy? And am I overreacting by wanting to maybe even shut down the account?


Conflicted Cat Mom in Philly

Dear Conflicted Cat Mom,

Well, well, well! It seems your regal Romeo has pounced his way into the hearts of thousands. When you named him Romeo, you should have known he’d have wide-eyed admirers with fast-beating hearts flocking to their phone screens to gaze upon his splendor! Who knew that majestic Maine Coon mane would weave such a tangled ball of yarn for you?

First things first, take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back. Growing an audience of 30,000 in six months is no small feat, and you’ve clearly got the chops to make Romeo shine online. But remember, behind every Insta-famous cat is a human who needs to be comfortable too.

Let’s scratch beneath the surface of this hairy situation:

You’re not overreacting. Your feelings are valid, and it’s crucial to prioritize your comfort and privacy. Many people underestimate the pressure that comes with managing a popular social media account.

Set boundaries faster than Romeo can claim a cardboard box as his new kingdom. It’s perfectly acceptable to limit what you share online. Your home is your castle, not a public cat cafe.

Quality over quantity, darling. Your fans will appreciate one purr-fect post a week more than daily drowning in Maine Coon magnificence. This gives you breathing room and still keeps content fresh.

Consider creating a separate, private account for close friends and family. This way, you can still share personal moments without the pressure of your public audience.
If small businesses are reaching out, take it slow. There’s no rush to dive into product features or sponsorships. Evaluate each opportunity carefully and only agree to what feels right for you and Romeo.

Remember, you’re the cat’s meow here! If the pressure feels too much, it’s okay to take a step back. True fans will understand if you explain you’re taking a “paws.”

As for feeling guilty about scaling back – hogwash! You’re not running a charity for bored Instagram scrollers. Romeo doesn’t know the difference between 30,000 followers and 30. What he does know is whether his human is happy and relaxed.

If you need to make changes, do it gradually. Your true fans will stick around, and the rest? Well, they’ll find another cat video to watch. And if you decide to shut down the account altogether, that’s okay too. Your mental health and privacy are far more important than any online following.

Remember, at the end of the day, Romeo isn’t concerned with his follower count – he’s concerned with whether his food bowl is full and if he can convince you to let him sprawl across your entire bed tonight.

Stay pawsitive, and don’t let the social meowdia frenzy ruffle your fur!

Whisker kisses and tail swishes,


Have a pet predicament?
Need a helping Paw?
Write to Dear Tabby at:
P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359


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