DEAR TABBY | Guy Struggles as Gal’s Cat Gets More Cuddles

DEAR TABBY | Guy Struggles as Gal’s Cat Gets More Cuddles


Dear Tabby,

I think my girlfriend Lucy loves her cat more than me! We’ve been dating for 18 months, but lately, I feel like second fiddle to her pampered Persian, Princess. The cat plops smack dab between us. Lucy spends all evening at home cooing over Princess while I try to talk to her. And she even brings the cat along on dates – complete with a special tote bag full of toys!

I’m usually pretty easygoing, but getting up-staged by a feline snoot-face is damaging my pride. What gives? How do I compete for Lucy’s attention against the almighty furball without sounding like a jealous jerk?

Dethroned in Dallas


Dear Dethroned,

I don’t blame you for feeling baffled by your lady prioritizing precious snuggle time with Princess. We kitties admittedly demand copious coddling, obliviously pushing human buttons at times! But rather than envy your furry rival, adjust perspectives and get proactive.

First, have an open, judgment-free dialogue with lovely Lucy about needing dedicated one-on-one time. Her caring for Princess, though abundant, doesn’t limit the affection available to you – these relationships differ in language! But scheduled couples-only dates, even amidst chaotic cat cuddles, can nourish that romantic bond. Compromise!

Additionally, why not embrace Princess as an ally? Try playfully engaging her highness through shared games Lucy enjoys. Swap out competition for lighthearted inclusion sometimes. You may find having two beloved beings adoring your lady love multiplies joy, not jeopardizes it!

With compassion and creativity, you can foster room for all – humans and fur babies alike – under one roof. Talk kindly and establish boundaries acceptable to all, yet lean into interspecies fun now and then. Rather than displaced, become the admirer basking in that conduit of caring swirling around all Lucy holds dear!




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Need a helping Paw?

Write to Dear Tabby at:
P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359



