DEAR TABBY | New Housemate Hiss-teria

DEAR TABBY | New Housemate Hiss-teria


Dear Tabby,

Ever since we brought home our new Siamese kitten Maya, our older Siamese, Molly has been giving us nothing but hissy fits! She growls whenever the kitten comes near her napping spots and even swatted Maya right across the nose yesterday. Mom keeps saying Molly will “come around eventually,” but her grumpy attitude is stressing us all out. What gives? How do I get Molly to accept cute little Maya into our cat clan?

Ruffled Fur in Milwaukee


Dear Ruffled Fur,

Ah, I know it can be hissy tiresome when sisterly companionship sours upon bringing baby kittens into the fold. But have faith, my friend – we felines fold in new family members with proper coaxing!

There is plenty of room for hope here, Ruffled. Siamese are known for their sociability and playfulness. They often enjoy the company of other feline friends and even dogs.

First things first, give grouchy Molly oodles of solo snuggle time to assure her she’s still the apple of the household’s eye. Siamese can be a bit territorial. So, make sure Molly’s go-to napping nooks don’t become Maya’s new playgrounds. Guide Maya away from Molly’s favorite spots using a feather toy or other attraction to gently lead her to neutral ground.

Meanwhile, when new cutie Maya is roaming free, divert tension by shaking a glittery wand or catnip mouse under quarrelsome noses. Remind them the only competition is catching silly toys, not hogging humans! Be sure to spread your attention evenly to soothe frazzled whiskers all around.

You can do training sessions where Maya is kept at a distance while Molly gets food rewards for calm behavior. Slowly decrease the distance between cats while giving rewards as long as Molly stays neutral or friendly. Consistently praise/treat Molly and Maya as peaceful proximity between the pair improves.

Most importantly – take introductions slowly. Let interactions happen briefly and positively, and the two will build up cuddle courage. Before you know it, hissy fits will give way to hugs and happiness. With patience and some solo snuggles from you for jealous Molly, soon she’ll come to see adorable Maya as the sister she never knew she needed!

Purrfectly yours,



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P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359



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