DEAR TABBY | Sudden Dribbles Making Senior Years Soggy – Tabby Talks Solutions

DEAR TABBY | Sudden Dribbles Making Senior Years Soggy – Tabby Talks Solutions


Dear Tabby,

As an aging bulldog, my bladder just ain’t what it used to be. No matter how often my beloved humans take me out, I also sprinkle accidents inside. These days, my poor old self can’t detect it happening until it is too late!

It’s mortifying, leaving wet and smelly surprises for my humans. How can I curb these unpredictable elder leaks from making my doting owners lose patience…or their lunch from the stench?

This old gal doesn’t want to be sent packin’ due to her dribbles! Please help keep me where I belong!

Puddles of Worry in Pittsburgh


Dear Puddles of Worry,

Oh darling, please don’t let a few dribbles make you feel less welcome in your forever home! You have nothing to feel mortified about! Even grande dames of considerable dignity dribble a wee bit when seasons change.

Fret not, my dear. You have loving humans who only want what’s best for you in your sunset years. You mustn’t worry about losing their loyalty over a few mislaid leaks! Still, let’s bully up some ideas to curb those unpredictable elder dribbles from causing further distress, shall we?

First, checking in with your veterinarian may be warranted to ensure no infections or concerning conditions are contributing to these disconcerting discharges. Sometimes, medication or supplements can help strengthen and leakproof older systems!

Your cleaning crew can re-establish predictability with a trip outside for potty breaks every few hours. Your nethers will enjoy a much-needed roadmap if your humans are diligent on potty patrol.

When the two-legged ones wander off, they can confine your roaming to uncarpeted areas. They could even consider belly bands or diapers, providing pads, and even re-create training to help when they are away. Unpleasant as it may sound to you, in a bladder battle, these may be necessary tactics to thwart the tyrannies of time.

Most importantly, know you are beloved, and no amount of puddling will propel you from your proper place at home! You and your doting humans have delighted in blissful years unerasable by any temporary troubles ahead. Alongside them, trust in tandem triumph over this tough patch.

I must sign off now, Puddles. Writing about this subject suddenly has me feeling nature’s call!

Pawsitive you’ll become puddleless once more,



Have a pet predicament?
Need a helping Paw?

Write to Dear Tabby at:
P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359



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