DEAR TABBY | Youngsters Yearn for Answer: Do Pets Perceive the Magic of Christmas?

Editor’s Note: The following letter is reproduced as written by a youthful hand. No spelling or grammar corrections were made before publication. Its character and innocent beauty remain preserved here.
Dear Tabby,
My name is Oliver. I am 8 and 1/2. My sister is Olivia. She’s only 6. Mom says you know lots about pets and we can ask questions to you.
Mom says you are a cat. But special. Like you can write and stuff. That’s weird. But cool. Please don’t be hurt and not answer cause we only have a dog. We like cats too. But we can’t have one cause Daddy is real allergic. Other wize we would have a cat too for sure. Maybe someday.
Anyhows the questions is about our dog. Her name is Maddy. She is Goldun Retreever. She plays with us good. We love her! We want to know does Maddy understands about Christmas? Does she feel exsited like us kids? Does she know Christmas is awsome? Since she is a dog and all maybe not. Does it work the same for pets? We hope the answer is yes! Please write back super fast Christmas is almost here!
Even though we are just kids please write back anyways. We gotta know if Maddy gets what Christmas is.
Thank you for hopefully answering us.
Sincerely yours,
Oliver and Olivia in Orlando
P.S. Merry Christmas.
Dearest Oliver and Olivia,
What precious ponderings you’ve posed about whether pets perceive the season’s magic!
Yes, dear ones, Maddy perceives the love, joy, and cheer of the most wonderful time of the year! Rest assured, Maddy knows these feelings of Christmas.
As your intrigued imaginations itch to uncover Maddy’s innermost understanding, do not be distracted by detours of irrelevant inquisition … Does Maddy know of the silent night when a heavenly promise was gently cradled in a manger? … Can she sing of Rudolph’s glowing beacon piercing the darkest skies? … Does Maddy grasp the bewildering presence of a tree suddenly in the living room when her attempts to bring even a twig inside spark a firm “No!” ? … Can Maddy conceive the concept of a colorful cornucopia of containers concealing their contents ‘til Christmas dawn?
Alas, the answer to those questions is likely “No.” But don’t despair! Your dear Maddy experiences the holiday in a supremely simple, pristinely pure way that humans can only immensely envy. Her Canine being affords her an uncluttered experience of the very essence of Christmas.
Your thoughtful questioning propels me to put forth a similar query to ponder and probe: Do humans understand Christmas?
Poor humans tend to complicate things. They worry much over what matters little. Lucky Maddy knows only the delight of loving and being loved. She knows the truth of Christmas that humans often miss amid their holiday rush of rituals.
Humans run here and there each Christmas, seeking the perfect gift. They look in the local shops. They surf the online stores. All the while never realizing that no merchant purveys the greatest of gifts.
Human-made holiday hustle hazards the risk that symbols and schedules sometimes only shroud the season’s truth. In sharp contrast, Maddy’s wagging tail whisks her whimsically through the frenzied festivities joyfully unleashed from superfluous seasonal stressors.
Humankind could indeed learn much about Christmas – and life beyond holidays – by observing the canine soul’s pureness. How better would our world be if humans modeled Maddy? For the heart of a loyal dog is incapable of harboring hate. She holds no grudge. Maddy’s eyes are blind to color or creed. She lives untainted by excessive ego and pride. No judgment or petty prejudice tarnishes her golden coat. She takes up no arms in war. She covets not wealth or possessions.
Like the little drummer boy, Maddy has no material gift to bring fit to give a king. But pa rum pum pum pum, her tail beats a rhythm of unconditional love. That love, my little friends, is the very essence of what Christmas is all about!
At her core, Maddy is a pure and constant conduit of love without condition. She is the quintessential ambassador of the message heard from the bells on Christmas day. Even without human vocabulary, through Maddy, as through the bells, the old familiar carols play. Wild and sweet, their words repeat of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Yes, my precious pair. When it comes to Christmas, Maddy gets it and feels it. Not only does Maddy have the Christmas spirit, she embodies it!
With each passing season you’ll grow bigger. Yet, surrendering childhood innocence to grown-up reality need not be inevitable. I implore you, darlings, to hold fast to the sparkling wonder that yet burns bright in your young souls.
Treasure always what the love-filled canine panting happily beside you keenly comprehends of this season…that the meaning of Christmas lies not beneath wrapping and bow but dwells in our hearts. Do not let this truth Maddy shows and imparts be constrained within certain calendar squares. Let it abide in you every day of the year.
Is there proof to back these words I write? If you wonder, do this to find out. Tonight, sit quietly with your beloved Maddy beneath your lovely Christmas tree. Take her face in your hands and look deep into her eyes. If you see a twinkle there, you will know what I say is true.
Yes, oh yes! My darling Oliver and Olivia, Maddy has the Christmas Spirit just like you. For where tails wag, tennis balls are fetched, and slobbery kisses land upon your cheek, the spirit of Christmas – the love that makes the season bright – lives now and forever.
With much Christmas Love to you and Maddy,
Always one to purr-fectly speak her mind, Tabby responds to letters seeking guidance on navigating the trials and tribulations of pets and people. Her patented catty candor combined with remarkable empathy appears weekly on where she answers queries from both people and pets (with the help of their creative humans, since not all animals have been blessed with the ability to write like Tabby has)
Have a pet predicament?
Need a helping Paw?
Write to Dear Tabby at:
P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359