DEAR TABBY | Hot Date Dilemma: Is It Too Soon to Unleash Cute Pup?

DEAR TABBY | Hot Date Dilemma: Is It Too Soon to Unleash Cute Pup?


Dear Tabby,

I’m finally putting myself back out there on the dating scene after being single for the past few years. I recently met a nice man online that I have plans to meet up with next week. We seem to hit it off great over messaging so far!

Here’s my dilemma – I adopted an adorable Labrador puppy two months ago. I am absolutely smitten with Luna. She’s full of energy and keeps me on my toes, but also showers me with snuggles and unconditional love. I haven’t been away from her for more than an hour or two since bringing her home.

Would it be weird or too much if I brought my puppy in a carrier bag on this first date? I thought it might be a cute move since my date said he likes dogs too. But maybe that comes across overly eager since we are still getting to know each other. Help! What do you think – yay or nay on bringing the fur baby on our first date?

Puppy Lover in Portland


Dear Puppy Lover,

While I fully understand the allure of calming first-date jitters with puppy snuggles, I must gently advise against packing your Labra-darling along to meet this gentleman suitor.

As precious as furbabies are, springing one on an unsuspecting date can come across as a bit much. The line between cute and quirky is a fine one.

This early in the courtship dance, it’s best to leave four-legged friends at home. There will be plenty of time for showcasing adorable pets down the road should Cupid’s arrow strike true with this fellow.

For now, focus on putting your best human foot forward: witty banter, radiant smile, and your full fur-free attention to getting to know one another. Once you’ve assured this gentleman is as smitten with you as you are wirh your lab love, then you can dazzle him with the double delight of your sparkling self AND a squirmy pup.

Trust me, as a cat who knows a thing or two about attraction, keep the air of mystery alive! Make him earn the right to enter your snuggly inter-species haven in due time.

Paws-itively yours,



Have a pet predicament?
Need a helping Paw?

Write to Dear Tabby at:
P.O. Box 4995
Westlake Village, CA 91359


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